Image Optimizer



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Reduce image size without losing quality with Image Optimizer.
JPG, JPEG, PNG, or GIF – optimize any type of image easily and quickly.

SEOWagon Image Optimizer 

SEOWagon image optimizer tool allows you to minimize the image size with its intelligent compression and optimization technique. JPG, JPEG, PNG, or GIF – compress any type of image and preserve its standard quality. 

How to use this tool?
Follow these simple steps to optimize your images – 
1. Click on the “Select File” button and select the image you want to optimize. 


    Drag the image file to the box.


    Copy and Paste the image URL and click the search button.

2. Click the “Optimize Now” button to compress your image.

3. Once the image is compressed, hit the “Download” button to save the image to your computer. 

Resize images as per your need with the additional Image Resizer tool. And if you are looking for a visually similar image, use the Reverse Image Search software. 

Boost SEO Performance by optimizing images

The goal is to speed up your website’s loading time without making the image content look bad. Optimizing your website’s images will not only make your website load faster but will also leave Google and your audience charmed.

  • Choose the right image size

The point is to balance the image size and quality so it keeps both Google and your website visitors happy. So, don’t reduce your image size so much that the image looks incomprehensive or blurry. Similarly, a large-sized image will cause your website to load slowly, which is not great from the visitor’s point of view. So, choose an image size that doesn’t make your page load slowly but also maintains regular image quality. For effectiveness, use an online image resizer tool to crop and resize your image as needed.

  • Choose the right image format

There are many image formats such as JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, and so on. Each format has its own attributes such as lossy, lossless, transparency, animation, vector, raster, etc. You have to find out which image format goes best with your website. Choosing the wrong image format will only harm your website’s performance. So, to get the best result, select the best image and see how fast your page loads.

  • Alt tags

We cannot stress enough about using alt tags for your images. Alternative tag helps search engines index your image content easily and accurately. And if for some reason, the website fails to display an image, the tag will help the viewers understand what the image is about. While using the alt tag, describe what the image represents precisely, and both the Google crawler and the audience will understand what the image is about.

Benefits of using SEOWagon Image Optimizer

  • Easy to use
  • No need to pay for optimizing your images. This tool is 100% free.
  • Our image optimizer tool doesn’t make you choose between image quality and size. You can reduce the image size as well as maintain good image quality by using this tool.
  • Our tool makes your page load faster and more Google-friendly by reducing the image size.
  • Viewers will love your website when your images load quickly. As a result, they will feel more inclined to stay on your page, which is great for your site.

How to Use the SEOWagon Reverse Image Search Engine

Seowagon has made image searching a whole lot easier by introducing its reverse image search engine. The tool lets you freely search images and prosee more